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Not just what you eat

also how - mindful



Vegan Health and nutrition:

B12 - seaweed and nutritional yeast, fermented soybean, kimchi - and I think pretty much anything fermented


Dark greens


Colourful foods


Wild food! It's free in abundance, it's a hell of a lot of fun to pick, and with all the energy of the earth, it grows where it desires, to give you a potency that can never be bought.


If you love sweet food than why not try fruits? This earth has provided us with such a variety.. why make jelly from sugar and pig gelatin?

I can go on about recipes...

But I don't think there's a need to go to such lengths.. one can be a good cook but know no recipes.

There's simple formulas to cooking healthy, tasty, and without breaking the bank or your back

Fry onions, garlic, ginger with some spices

Add the main (in the case of the left pumpkin)

Add a liquid after things are semi cooked if you want a sauce

Play around to your taste!



ingredients - seasonal, etc

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